Mind Story is established by a team of passionate people who believe that every one of us is special. We want to uplift the quality of life for children with special needs and their family by providing access, expertise, knowledge and support.

Our Story

We started as individuals from various background, primarily working with young adults and children, supporting them at their various stages of life. As we ventured in the education industry, we saw the gap where we, as individuals, were never really supported through our life. We just lived through it – figuring out all on our own (and most likely, supported by the adults who are willing to share their experiences with us). And luckily, we all turned out all right. While figuring what else we can do with all our knowledge, skill and experiences, we choose to support children with special needs.

We are all SPECIAL

The years of research (and still ongoing) have given us vast understanding and knowledge on human development. It has shown us some of the best practices based on evidences – not through hearsay, customs nor isolated success stories. The practices and approaches that enable us to support growth and development of a child to adulthood. We are in this because we believe that every individual deserves the opportunity to shine.

There is no other person who is like you. Your genetic composition, environment and experiences make you who you are today. We learn to adapt to our society on what is acceptable (and what is not). Our parents (and teachers) were our role models when we were growing up – teaching us the way they know how. Over time, science and research were developed to understand human being a little more, and thus creating the norms and the not norms. People who does not fit into the norm, or the way scientists and researchers classify, are then being identified.

Why Children with Special Needs?

We choose special needs because they are the least understood group of individuals and the group where we feel that needed more support. And in the near future, when we advocate enough to instill in every person in the world that each one of us is special, we would be able to support everyone the way they know how.

It takes a village to raise a child. As parents, we want to give our child the best. The best in everything. The best we know how. The best we can provide. Unfortunately, we do parenting based on our personal experiences – how our parents brought us up and our personal experiences (not to forget, from aunties, friends and Google). Not many parents studied how to be a parent nor how to support a child through their stages of development.

A child needs to learn how to communicate with us – they are doing it the best way they can and the way they know how (by nature) – modeling. Until the day they learn how to communicate (verbal and non-verbal) and understand themselves well enough to communicate, our role (as adults) is to figure them out.

Though we know that each child is different, we struggle when our child does not “fit” into the categories as defined by science and research. We tried our best. But, we don’t know what is wrong with our approaches (or our child).

Children with special needs require additional support, for all sorts of reasons. Some lack ability, some lack capacity, some lack capability or competency. By understanding what goes on with them and in them, we can support both parents and child to understand and communicate with each other.

Where do we want to go?

We set out to support parents in their journey. By supporting parents with children with special needs, we can best use our knowledge, skill and experience to make the most impact to our community.

We offer no-frills, comprehensive services to parents, caregivers and children with special needs. By working with the children (and their families), our specialists can understand them further and improve both parents and children’s skill in communicating and understanding of each other. Find out about our team specialty here.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to contact us and we will be more than happy to help you out.

Pusat Latihan Kanak-Kanak Berkeperluan Khas Mind Story is owned by Sagax Ed Sdn Bhd.