Brushing is one of the techniques commonly used to support children with sensory processing difficulties. Research data can neither prove nor dispel the effectiveness of the brushing technique in supporting children with sensory difficulties. Therefore, it is highly recommended for parents to seek professional help from occupational therapists to cater to their child’s needs.
Deciphering Your Child’s Esteem Needs Now
We gain recognition via our academic, professional, athletic, or hobbies achievements. However, it starts from young, making choices, one at a time.
When do I stop therapy sessions for my child?
For children who has previously undergone therapy, it is good to have their development or progress reviewed on a 6-months or yearly review session to ensure that their child’s development is on track.
Supporting Students with Learning Challenges
For children who are having minor challenges in learning environment, parents can support their children by providing activities that supports their sensory development.
3-step guide to support your child using Developmental Milestones Checklist
Developmental checklist is a useful tool for parent or caregiver to monitor their child’s development. Always check in with your child’s doctor if you have any concern.
Building multiple skills with play
Play is an ideal opportunity for parents to bond with their child. Play is essential in building a child’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being.
Play Your Way through The Pyramid of Learning
The Pyramid of Learning explains the foundation skills needed for a person prior to developing skills for academic learning.
Getting Your Child to be Ready for School in September
School readiness is how your child is ready to transition into a school environment. Take opportunity to build up skills at home with your child by playing, doing chores and be physically active.
Cognitive development – How we think, explore and problem solve
Cognitive development is helps us to figure the world around us. It provides for our ability to think, self-regulate, communicate and problem solve.
Understanding communication and language development in your child
Tracking your child’s communication and language development is essential to help them grow and navigate their life in this world.